
Bad Weather Indoor Date Ideas

October 11, 2012
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Knowing a few indoor date ideas for a rainy day is a great way for you and your partner to still have a great time, rain or shine. These rainy day date ideas are also great ideas you can use year round. Here are some romantic rainy day date ideas to try the next time the weather forecast has you stuck indoors.

Go skating. You and your partner will have fun holding each other’s hands while you make a few laps around the rink, even if neither of you are very good at skating.

Go bowling. Bowling is a great way to talk with each other and have a little competitive fun. You can pretend to be serious bowlers or request bumper lanes if you’re a little rusty.

Be bookworms. A book store is the perfect place for a rainy day date. You can check out stores that sell new books or visit a few shops that have used and rare books. You’ll learn a lot about your partner’s interests as you look through the different book titles. Don’t forget to stop for coffee at a local café or coffee shop afterwards!

Play board games, cards or puzzles. You can have a blast playing card games or board games like Monopoly. You can also always stop at the store if you have some extra cash and pick out a new game together just for the occasion. If you’re not a huge fan of board games, you can always opt to do a puzzle together instead.

Go bargain hunting. Visit resale shops, thrift stores, antique dealers, or indoor flea markets and see what kinds of odd and unusual things you can find together. You don’t even need to buy anything with this rainy day date idea to still have fun!

Cook up a Romantic Dinner. If you don’t feel like going out, try making dinner together at home instead. A few candles and some music playing in the background can make a simple dinner like spaghetti seem romantic.

Have an indoor picnic or camp. Grab your blankets and picnic basket and have a fun picnic on your living room floor. You can also set up a tent inside your house if it is big enough and you and your partner can snuggle and nap together while you listen to the raindrops on the roof.

Get crafty. Crafts are always a great way to stay entertained on a rainy day. Get out the crayons, markers, finger paints, glue and paper and spend some time together making things. It doesn’t really matter what you make as long as you both enjoy it. You can always Google easy craft ideas.

Head to the museums. A rainy day is a perfect time to brush up on history, admire classic art pieces, or learn more about science.

Find a pool hall. This one’s always fun for to laugh at how bad the other one is or pretending to be pros and calling the shots.

Get your video games. This can be a fun way to spend some time together on a rainy day. You can either visit your local arcade, rent a few video games to play for your current system, or drag out your original Nintendo or Atari. Just remember to stick to the 2 player games – it can get boring for the other person if they are just watching you play the whole time.

Have a movie marathon. Either rent a few movies from the video store or order a few from your cable provider. Make sure you have the popcorn and some blankets ready and turn the lights off to make it even better than going to the theater. You choose certain themes, actors, or catch up on your favorite television series to make it more of a “marathon”.

Have a photo shoot. You can be as serious or as silly as you want to be taking pictures of each other around the house. Find some unusual items, ugly sweaters or old Halloween costumes and start snapping away to a good time. You can go all out with lights and backdrops if you are able to. When you’re done taking the pictures, you can play around with them with your favorite photo editing software to make them black and white, sepia, or add other effects.

Pretend you are interior designers and choose a room for a make-over. See what you can accomplish without spending any money using things you already have in your house or rearranging furniture. It can be a fun time together digging through the basement or garage for new things to decorate with.

Go to a play or other live performance. Whether you’re into music, theater, or comedy clubs, going out to a performance is great form of rainy day entertainment. Your local newspaper can be a great source of information for current shows and venues.

rainy day indoor date ideas


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