
Simple Beauty Tips

November 8, 2012
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* Dilute one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of water then heat it in the microwave for 10 seconds. When it’s cooled, apply on your lips and leave for 10 minutes.

* To dry out pimples, pour out a teaspoon of honey into a bowl. Dip a cotton bud into the honey and apply on the spots.

* Soak a cotton pad with cool fresh milk and press it gently all over your face. Besides protein to feed your face, it gets rid of dirt thoroughly.

* Chill a cup of milk in the fridge before pouring the contents into a clothes spray. Use it like a spritzer over inflamed skin.

* Warm a bowl of milk in the microwave for half a minute and pour contents into a clothes basin. Soak your feet for half an hour and then give it a good hard brush to remove dead skin.

* Steep a pair of Earl Grey teabags in boiling water, run them under a tap and place over eyes for 10 minutes before night out.

* Use four bags of chamomile tea. Leave them to steep for 5 minutes then hold your face over the bowl.

* Freeze cooled chamomile tea in an ice-cube tray. When set, remove cubes and run over your face.

* Soak some gauze in cooled green tea and apply on skin the way you would a toner.

* Chop up a cucumber and drizzle a few drops of lemon juice in the mixture. Apply on your face.

* Soothe tired eyes by cutting two rounds and place them on the eyelids.

* Rub down hot skin with a mixture of chopped cucumber, olive oil and plain yogurt.

About April M. Monterrosa 

 April M. Monterrosa is Proud Latina from San Antonio, Texas, a Marine Corps wife, a licensed Cosmetologist & Owner of The Lil Spa Room, Founder of the Wonderfully Wise Women Group, Blog, & Online Magazine, a Writer for SAXtreme Magazine, PCA Skin Chemical Peel certified, & a Nuskin Skin Care Distributor.


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