
Eyebrow Homecare

August 17, 2013
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1. Brush your brows upwards.
2. Trim any hairs above your natural brow line -don’t trim them too short!
3. Tweeze any hairs that stand out.
4.Tweeze all the tiny hairs to shape your brows.
5. The inside of your  should line up a little to the inside of the side of your nose.
6. Your arch should be about 45 degree from the side of your nose.
7. The end of your brow should be about 65 degrees from the side of your nose.
8. And lastly fill in your brows only if needed!


AprilApril M. Monterrosa is Proud Latina from San Antonio, Texas, a Marine Corps wife, Mama of a Dachshund, licensed Cosmetologist of 17 years,  The Lil Spa Room Owner Founder of the Wonderfully Wise Women Group, Blog, & Online Magazine, a Writer for SAXtreme Magazine, PCA Skin Chemical Peel certified, & a Nuskin Skin Care Distributor. Check out my other blog at Wonderfully Wise Women!

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