
Chase Your Dreams, Ignore the Bullshit

October 23, 2013
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tumblr_m0gm28q9jk1qm94r5o1_500As women, we are always put to the test to see how much we can take, how far we can go, how tough we are till we break.  Many women have dreams and goals that are influenced by others. They want and need attention while looking good to their peers. That’s the wrong kind of dream to chase. Go after what’s really in your heart; if its finishing school, building something, getting that high paying job, traveling around the world, being on the cover of vogue…whatever it is, chase your dreams and do all you can for them to come true.

If family puts you down and makes fun of you, thinking your goals and dreams are stupid or a waste of time, ignore them. People like that have no balls to go out there with blood, sweat, & tears to do what they really want to do. They’re usually lazy, have no ambition, and the only thing that moves fast is their mouth talking shit about others when they should be looking at how they can improve themselves. Show them that no matter how many bad things they say to you or about you, you will succeed, to give in 7156943497_d50d4b0c36_zto their negative shit.

If you’re in a relationship and your spouse pays no attention to your ambitions, it’s because they simply do not care. As sad as this is, people like that usually have no goals themselves. If they tell you you’re not going to be successful, you’re not capable of making it to the top, it’s only because they are jealous of the drive that you have, they know that you will be, and they don’t want you to do things better than them…pure selfishness! You deserve better.

Pay no attention to negative people that do not believe you. As much as you think you need them, you don’t. Negativity slows you down, makes you doubt yourself, and gets you nowhere. Believe in yourself, if you have family and a spouse that doesn’t support you, then YOU support you. Wake up every morning and go to bed every night with good thoughts, ideas how to make your dreams a reality, and put forth the effort to do so every chance you get. We only have one life, count on yourself to fulfill it as much as you can, what are you waiting for? Dream it….do it…live it! <3


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