Categories: Self-Care

Stop Picking Your Face!

There are many bad habits out there, smoking, nail biting, pulling your own hair, & so many more. But there is one that many people have and fail to realize it’s even considered a bad habit. I’m talking about face picking, popping zits, poking pimples, squeezing blemishes, whatever you want to call it. As soon as you see a blemish on your skin, you try to squeeze everything out of it thinking it will magically disappear after you’re done. Well, I hate to break the news to you, but you are not doing your skin any justice whatsoever, in fact you are making a whole lot worse.

There are many disadvantages when it comes to picking your pimples, the biggest one is spreading bacteria around the skin which can lead to more acne. For some, it’s like a reflex, you see a pimple, & just start picking. What you’re not realizing is, your hands haven’t been washed, & no telling what bacteria you could have underneath your fingernails. Not only will the spread of bacteria lead to more breakouts, it can also cause an infection, which could possibly lead to you having to pay a visit to the dermatologist.

When a pimple isn’t ready to be extracted, it’s usually red in color, a bit inflamed, with no white or black head, & sometimes a little tender to the touch. If you’re picking at your pimples before they are ready, all you are going to get out that blemish is blood, a scab, & a scar. If you are prone to hyper pigmentation (getting dark spots), picking at your pimples will create another problem for your skin, not only will you bleed, get a scab, & a scare, you will also have a dark spot.

If you have picked at a pimple before it had that whitehead of pus & its bleeding, the best thing to do is immediately wash your face. Once the blood stops, it’s good to put some Neosporin on it to prevent infection. Keep in mind Neosporin is an antibiotic ointment, so this is just to protect your skin from infection, not from future breakouts. After that, leave it alone your skin alone!!!! I can not stress that enough! Ha-ha!

If you have acne, break out scars or dark spots from picking, they can be diminished with facial treatments such as, high frequency facials, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, & many others. The best way to avoid all these risks, recurring breakouts, & mostly a lifetime of scars is to have your pimple extractions done professionally. A licensed professional has the proper extraction technique, equipment, knowledge to help clear your skin, minimize future breakouts, & steer you in the right direction to proper skin care.  Next time you have a blemish, remember, if you pick at it, your only hurting your skin. 🙂 breakoutbreakout

About the Owner:

Beauty Writer & Lifestyle Blogger April M. Monterrosa is a Proud Latina from San Antonio, Texas, a Military wife, the mama of a dachshund, a licensed Cosmetologist of 18 years, Owner of The Lil Spa Room, & a Nuskin Skin Care Distributor. With beauty & blogging being such passions she also created Shine Beautifully. Shine Beautifully will feature beauty tips, home remedies, quotes, poetry, recipes, personal stories, travel adventures, & an array of other topics. Don’t forget to check it out and subscribe!


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