
Acupressure for Allergies

January 15, 2014
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Allergies, gotta love um! Before you reach for your 100th kleenex, Benedryl, or Zyrtec, why not try some Acupressure to relieve some of that sinus congestion & pressure.

Point 2: Use your thumbs on the upper ridge of your eye socket to press into the slight hollow near the bridge of your nose for one minute. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, letting the weight of your head relax forward onto your thumbs.

Point 1: Place both of your middle fingers beside your nostrils and your index fingers next to them; gradually press up and underneath the cheekbones for one minute.

Try doing this before bedtime, not only will it help clear/loosen sinus congestion, it will also relieve some of the sinus pressure.



  • moxox247
    January 19, 2014 at 4:49 am

    great blog !! please check out mine if you have the chance 🙂 thanks xx

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