
Tips to Stress Less

February 19, 2014
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  • Go for a leisurely walk. A leisurely walk allows you to get a breath of fresh air and exercises your body. The exercise that you get from a walk can be invigorating, and the energy you get from it helps you relax and relieve anxiety.
  • Keep pets. If you have the time and can afford one, keep a pet, either a dog or a cat. Pets are good companions, and taking care of them allows you to form an emotional bond with them, which lets you express your pent-up feelings. Like, when you need a hug, you can always hug your dog.
  • Take the time to appreciate things. Sometimes, being in a rush not only leaves you stressed out but also makes you forget to look at the simpler but finer things in life.
  • Take a brief pause from work, get some coffee and stare out at the sky from your window. If you have a day off, savor it. Linger in bed and catch up on some sleep, read a book or give yourself a foot spa treatment.
  • Maybe you can go out and watch a movie or have brunch with your friends.
  • Discover new skills. There is nothing like a great achievement to bring a smile on ones face. And what else can bring this sense of victory other than excelling on something, especially on a skill that you have just learned? Get yourself a hobby and learn new things.
  • Perhaps you can take on painting, photography or sketching. Maybe you can try your hand on needlework, knitting or crocheting. Your finished work will definitely make you smile.
  • Pay someone a compliment. If you are feeling low, you can uplift yourself by uplifting others. Smiling is contagious and seeing other people smile can get you smiling too. A compliment does not have to be flowery. Something as simple as You look nice will do, as long as it is done with sincerity.


  • Jasmine
    February 20, 2014 at 10:53 am

    Great tips! I love them all. I think that a smile can work wonders
    Jasmine xx

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