
Sunburn Peeling & Relief: DIY Aloe Vera Gel Cubes

July 5, 2014
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I know many of my friends and family love to be in the sun as much as I do; some think putting on sunscreen isn’t necessary.  Some days sunscreen just doesn’t seem to do the trick either, you forget to bring the bottle with you on a trip, and/or forget to reapply after swimming or long hours in the sun. Waking up the next day sunburned, in pain, and red as a lobster is not fun and can ruin your outdoor plans.  Always apply sunscreen before you head outdoors. Make a mental reminder that you need to reapply sunscreen after so many hours. Each sunscreen brand has their own recommended times to follow. Doing so will help prevent your skin from serious sunburns. Most sunburns cause your skin to peel; here is some info on why your skin peels and how to take care of it properly.

Why does my skin peel after getting sunburn? When your skin is exposed to the sun for prolonged periods of time, ultraviolet rays emitted from the sum have a damaging effect to the top layer of the skin- actually killing the skin cells residing on the upper most layer of the skin while also drying your skin (in some cases even causing blistering of the skin). This is why when selecting a sunscreen for your skin you want to ensure you are purchasing something that uses the best sunscreen ingredients to protect every inch of your skin.

As a natural reaction, your skin starts to quickly repair itself and build new cells to replace the ones killed off by harmful ultraviolet rays. During the rebuilding process, the dead skin sitting on top of your skin act as a guard in that it protects the deeper layers of your skin while the new top layers are being rebuilt. Once the rebuilding process has finished and the new layer of skin is ready to be exposed, the dead skin begins to peel off of your body. The skin peeling is an important and natural part of the healing process.

Peeling skin: Best remedy? Unfortunately, there is no quick remedy or cure for sunburn. Your skin needs time to naturally heal, repair, and rejuvenate itself. In fact, it may take several days to actually see the severity of damage from the sun. While it may be an unpleasant and even painful process, there are some things you can do to treat the sunburn to provide relief to your skin.

Cool down: We all know how discomforting and irritating sunburn can be. For temporary relief, keep your skin cool by applying cool, damp cloths to regions giving you the most discomfort. Some prefer to take a cool baths to soothe the skin. While it is a great way to provide instant relief to the skin, remember that your skin is in a sensitive state and make a conscious effort to avoid any irritants like bath salts or solutions that may augment discomfort.

Moisturize: There is nothing worse than the severely dry, itchy, tender state your skin is left in after being sunburn. Be thoughtful of your skin and give it the proper nourishment and hydration it needs by using an after sun moisturizer that not only brings your skin relief, but assists in the healing process. Even after the skin peels, the skin is still somewhat sensitive as it is having exposure to the sun and environment for the first time. Pure Aloe Vera is the best solution for to relief and healing sunburn. It can be applied as a lotion or as a gel. A wonderful herbal remedy used to soothe sunburn and naturally bring the plants moisturizing properties out to soften the skin. Always remember to carry a bottle of sunscreen and aloe vera gel with you when you travel to the beach, pool side, on hiking trips or picnics.

Home Remedy: Just in case you do forget to apply sunscreen or the sun was just too strong that day and you are in dire need of some instant relief, try this awesome home remedy I came across.

aloe vera gel reliefAloe Vera Gel Ice Cubes: (Best Sunburn Relief Remedy)

What you need:

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel is recommended for it contains some water which makes it much easier to freeze. The gel has a greenish coloring to it but when applied to the skin you would think it frozen aloe vera gelwas clear. Since it doesn’t contain moisturizers it will freeze quicker and won’t leave a greasy film on the skin once applied.

Ice Cube Tray (Makes 12 cubes)


Fill ice cube tray with aloe gel (takes about a minute) and freeze (takes about 3 hours). If you plan on being out in the sun all day, its best to make a few batches. You can leave the cubes in the tray till ready to use or remove cubes and store in a plastic bag in the freezer or put them in your ice chest.   *Aloe Vera gel by itself is soothing to sunburns. Having some frozen on hand will just aid in making that burn feel much better faster. The icy coolness will pull more of the heat from the damaged, overheated, and reddened skin to bring relief sooner. Rub on sunburn as needed.

sunburn soothing


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