
My 4th Wedding Anniversary

September 3, 2014
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The Labor Day weekend vibe always brings back memories of our spontaneous decision to elope on a rainy Labor Day weekend 4 years ago. I cannot not believe how fast the years have gone by; being friends for many years, deployments, long distance dating, traveling back and forth between different states, huge life changing transitions, hitting a really rough patch, separating, and fighting for what we both didn’t want to end brought us here…still together. Every day I learn something new about my husband, myself, and married life. But after all the bad stuff we both went through before working things out, I feel we are on a new level of getting to know each other. The little details you think go unnoticed have turned into the big things that stand out the most. wedding anniversary

For better or worse has a whole new meaning to me now; I think the both of us needed to lose each other to realize how much we loved one another and what truly mattered.  No communication has turned into being completely open, that lead to more respect, and has moved us both closer to each other. Big decisions and life changing obstacles have become so much easier to handle and deal with together. Even though we lost what we had before our separation, what we gained has been so much better. For those that took those vows of marriage and going through a rough time, take some time out to collect your thoughts, stop being angry, and make sure you do everything you can to make things work as long as your spouse is meeting you halfway. It’s worth it.

This year we spent our anniversary at home, laughing with my step daughter on Skype, eating take out, listening to the Bob Marley station on Pandora, and enjoying our home. It even rained today just like it day the day we eloped…Simply perfect…

Sept. 3, 2010

Sept. 3, 2010-Labor Day Weekend

  • princessmousey
    September 5, 2014 at 6:53 am

    What a beautiful love story! Happy Anniversary. Coming by from #TXLatinoBlog on FB

  • princessmousey
    September 5, 2014 at 6:53 am

    What a beautiful love story! Happy Anniversary. Coming by from #TXLatinoBlog on FB

  • princessmousey
    September 5, 2014 at 6:53 am

    What a beautiful love story! Happy Anniversary. Coming by from #TXLatinoBlog on FB

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