Categories: Travel

My 4-Legged Heart

Fate unexpectedly brought love into my life 2 years ago. He wags his tail with excited when I get home, licks my face like I’m the biggest lollipop in the world, and has little glistening eyes of joy when he looks at me. Just a dog you say? No, this is a big heart on four legs; he runs, jumps, rolls around, and sometimes sleeps all day but has nothing but unconditional love to give. The days I was alone, with no one to comfort me in sadness, he was there to squeeze. When I felt unloved and like my life had no direction, he would lay his little head on my chest and the look he would give me was filled with hope. When I was angry with myself for decisions I had made, he’d throw his toy duck at me to make me laugh. When I was separated, there were many days I would sit outside in tears, looking up at the sky and wondering when the pain would go away, it was him that would lift up my arm with his little wet nose to snuggle next to me, letting me know everything was going to be OK and get better.

Now that I am happy, my days are much better and my future seems brighter, he is still there, happy to see me, eager to love me, and always ready to comfort me, day and night. So you see, this isn’t just a dog…this was another life put into mine to be rescued, when all along fate knew it was I that was going to need the rescuing. No one will ever understand the love you can have for a pet, unless you have that love for a pet yourself. I know other pet parents out there know exactly what I mean.

Happy 3rd birthday to my dachshund, Razoo; I hope we bring just as much joy into your life, as you have into ours. Many barks to many more healthy years here with us.

Razoo & April MonterrosaRazoo & April Monterrosa


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