Categories: Travel

Happy 2016 and Thanks for Reading in 2015!

Happy 2016! It’s the first day of the New Year! What a year it has been in my little world of beauty and blogging; it has certainly opened many doors and lead me to new relationships with some amazing people. Here are the top 10 blog reads of 2015. Thanks for reading and an extra special thanks to those that subscribe.

A Spa Funny: At Home Brazilian Wax Gone Wrong

Google Can Save You the Heartache

Sucky Stepparents

10 Health Benefits of Sex

Thoughts of Happiness

Best Time to Get a Facial

Sandcastle Days

Intimate Brazilian Wax Benefits

5 Life Changes of a Divorcee

Bubble Bath Day Recipe

To keep up with Shine Beautifully, please subscribe and follow on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!

The tradition of celebrating New Year’s Day began over 4,000 years ago in ancient Babylon. During that era, the calendar changed over on the first day of spring. In 153 BC, the Roman Senate changed the date for New Year’s to January 1. Today, New Year’s Day signifies a time of new beginnings and resolutions. There are many traditions and festivals that take place on New Year’s Day around the world. In California, people decorate carriages with flowers during the Tournament of Roses Parade in order to celebrate the ripening of the orange crop. In the Netherlands, people eat donuts because they believe it will bring them good fortune. Making New Year’s resolutions is another popular tradition found around the world. (Info courtesy of PunchBowl)


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