
Happy 44 Years of Marriage to My Parents

August 15, 2016
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Today my parents celebrate 44 years of marriage. Being that they ran away together and eloped at ages 16 and 18, it’s amazing to know their unique story and see how far they have come. They have been my main examples on what marriage is really about, how to love someone unconditionally, how to stand by your spouse no matter what obstacles come your way, and though at times things get challenging you stick it out regardless.

As the oldest, I saw them go through many good times that made them fall more in love with each other and the bad times that tested both their strengths. In my eyes their love is so strong it’s invincible. Many think marriage is a fairy-tale; its butterflies in your tummy every day, flowers, laughter, and pure bliss. I hate to say this, but it’s not. Don’t get me wrong those things do exist, but you have to work together as a couple to keep them. Growing up till now, I have watched both of my parents constantly put the other as a priority. My father has always adored and respected my mother and my mother has always stood by my father no matter how difficult things were. Neither one was ever greedy with the other when it came to time, money, or affection.

Thank you mom and dad for showing me that when you marry for true love, you lose yourself, you give more chances, you forgive more, you ache harder, and even though you want to run away from it all at times, that sacred bond of marriage and the love you have for your spouse gives you more gall to fight for it all. The both of you are proof that marriage IS worth it; though mine didn’t work out, it certainly gives me hope that what the both of you have does in fact exist. Happy Anniversary.

44th Wedding Anniversary - Shine Beautifully


  • The Nueva Latina
    August 17, 2016 at 5:25 pm

    Yay!! Happy anniversary to them!! My parents will be married 30 years this November and they inspire me so much! Great post!

  • The Nueva Latina
    August 17, 2016 at 5:25 pm

    Yay!! Happy anniversary to them!! My parents will be married 30 years this November and they inspire me so much! Great post!

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