
5 Reasons to go to SeaWorld San Antonio’s Howl-O-Scream

October 27, 2016
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My favorite holiday and time to visit Seaworld San Antonio is upon us.  I had the privilege of joining Howl-O-Scream’s media night. With all the terror, horror, and magic Seaworld puts into their Halloween festivities, it’s a time of year you do not want to miss. Here are 5 reasons why you should check out the last weekend of Howl-O-Scream:

Howloscream Seaworld San Antonio

  1. Seaworld knows everyone has their different way of getting scared and wanted to have something for all types of horror lovers is why they have 5 different haunted houses. Their new one titled, “Karver’s Kradle, House of Dolls is sure to get the best of you with Mr. Karver’s puppetry.
  2. Stroll the night with caution as you come across demon dolls on Shadow Street, don’t become the hunted in Werewolf Alley, and beware of the zombies on Demon Street. And for those of you who don’t believe in urban legends, Vampire Point may prove you wrong.
  3. All that screaming make you thirsty? No problem! Quench your thirst at Blood Thirsty or Rehab with their signature adult drinks.
  4. Keep your adrenaline and blood pumping by enjoying your favorite Seaworld rides at night. If Howl-O-Scream doesn’t give you a thrill, The Great White, Steel Eel, Journey to Atlantis, and Rio Loco are sure to!
  5. Get those Howl-O-Scream memories captured with photo opportunity locations Blood Thirsty V.I.P. and Zombie Zone. You can purchase these souvenir photos and pick from a variety of packages to purchase.

Howloscream Seaworld San Antonio

I hope you enjoy Howl-O-Scream and stay for the Jack Is Back Party at the end of the night! Share your scary moments by using #HowlOScreamTX on your social media.

Howloscream Seaworld San Antonio

  • The Nueva Latina
    October 31, 2016 at 11:17 am

    I wanted to go SO BAD this year!!! Looks like so much fun! Ahhhh! Maybe next year will be my year! Lol

  • The Nueva Latina
    October 31, 2016 at 11:17 am

    I wanted to go SO BAD this year!!! Looks like so much fun! Ahhhh! Maybe next year will be my year! Lol

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