
Thankful for Life’s Tough Obstacles

November 23, 2017
April Monterrosa
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Thankful for Life’s Tough Obstacles

Seeing many friends go through tough life obstacles inspired me to take a break from travel writing and share on a more personal level. It’s not easy going through a breakup, separation, divorce, or any drastic life change during the holidays. I remember my first Thanksgiving as a single woman after my marriage failed; I was a ball of mixed emotions for sure. One of the good things that came out of my marriage ending was the bittersweet awakening that made me take a step back and analyze other relationships in my life. Any relationship takes trust, honesty, consistency, and respect for it to work; that goes for friends and family members too. Now in a new time in my life, I can appreciate and be thankful for life’s tough obstacles.

Thankful for Life's Tough Obstacles

As you go through this transition, you’re going to question yourself if you made the right choice, what you could’ve have done differently or changed. Before you think about going back to something toxic, remember why you decided to part ways. That awful pit in your stomach, the aching of the heart and the hurt is just temporary. Time truly does heal. Age and time has taught me to let go of what brings me sadness, stress, and negativity. Sadly, it’s those who we love that are sometimes these people. As much as you love them, for your sanity, you need to let them go. Don’t allow yourself to be taken for granted. You will end up being hurt in the end all the time.

Thankful for Life's Tough Obstacles

When your life changes, so does your circle of friends; some will exit your life quietly while others may stir up unnecessary drama. I am a firm believer in whoever is meant to be in your life will be, no matter the time, distance, or circumstance. If people don’t want to be in your life, then let them go. I love meeting new people but, I’ll admit, it’s difficult for me to accept that not everyone I meet will have the same values, morals, and be as consistent as I am; and that’s in any kind of a relationship. Think about what you want and left behind when you start meeting new people; don’t let any type of bad history repeat itself.

Thankful for Life's Tough Obstacles

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for those who have been there for me when I went through my rough time and especially thankful for those who are still in my life. There are a few that are no longer in my life today; it hurts when you think people are in your life for the long run and the relationship turns out differently. Though it stings, all it did was make room for those that have brought nothing but joy, support, love, and consistency to my life. I try my hardest to keep an open mind, open heart, and grow as an individual. Who doesn’t want to be a better version of themselves? In closing, keep busy doing productive things, surround yourself with fun and positive people, and know that this time next year, you will be in a much better place. You will be amazed at how life’s tough obstacles can make you the strongest you will ever be.

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